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A Little Help from Us for Product Companies in These Trying Times

It seems like it was just the other day when businesses across the globe were making robust projections about their growth. Today, we are all revising our best-laid plans and projections in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. But, it is good to see that the world is standing together against this pandemic. However,…

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How To Spend Less When You Are Developing A Software Product

Developing software can be expensive. According to GoodFirms Research’s survey, the average cost of developing software is about $36000. And the cost varies. It is dependent on various factors, such as: The complexity of the product: The more complex the product, the more expensive will be the development. Expertise: Complex projects would also require people…

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What the Insurance Industry Can Learn from the Retail Industry When It Comes to Customer Experience

Customer experience has been an integral part of the conventional B2C sales model since time immemorial. Even before there were marketing analysts and growth hackers helping out large corporations and big-box stores, great customer experience and its importance was widely known. “Customer experience is the new marketing battlefront” – Chris Pemberton In this article, we…

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Why Is Python A Popular Choice For Enterprise Applications?

Enterprise applications are essential components of every company. Research suggests that by 2021, the worldwide IT spending on enterprise software is expected to reach USD 556 Billion! These are the applications that help employees complete or automate various tasks, such as data processing, customer support, and resource management. They help companies improve their productivity, reduce…

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Why Companies Are Choosing Odoo Apps over Other ERPs?

Odoo apps is one of the most popular business software in the world, with over 4.5 million users using it actively. Want to develop a website, improve your operational efficiency, or just create an appointment system, you can do all of this from a single platform using Odoo apps. What distinguishes Odoo apps from other…

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How to Decide the Features of Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Product development in the software development space has become a game of speed. With innovation and technological development becoming an agenda on everyone’s mind, faster time to market ranks high on everyone’s priority list…before the market changes. Clearly, the faster you can reach the market, the greater are your chances of success. In such a…

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Here Is What Differentiates Benchmark IT Solutions from Other Software Product Development Companies

Software today runs the world. It runs businesses. Organizations are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities and the chance to enhance existing ones. In such an environment, reliable technology partners become a pillar supporting organizational growth. Can we imagine today’s world without a plethora of software development companies? However, along with opportunity, these companies…

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How to Select the Right Technology for Your Requirements?

Have you ever found yourself and your team kicking off the project with enthusiasm after receiving the project requirements and then losing the steam by the end of it? Do you find yourself working late nights trying to deliver the project on time? Have you lost your way in the process of completing the project,…

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Product Development Challenges for Startups

Software development is a complex endeavor for any organization: from bagging the right projects to having the right team of qualified professionals, using the right tools, ensuring on-time delivery, and meeting the demands of the modern, empowered customer. For startups, the challenges only get amplified, given the nascent stage at which such companies are. Product…

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Order Portal for Plant Growers

Order Portal For Plant Growers Real time inventory update Multi-Tenant portal where each grower can manage their own customers and orders Third party integrations: Stripe Payment Gateway, Google Maps Technologies: BootStrap, REST APIs, PHP, MySQL, Linux, GIT

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Insurance Broker Portal

Insurance Broker Portal Client Portal: Access Policies, Invoices, Payments, Claims Report new Claims, Track claims info Backend Customer Service Manage Client Information Policies Information Configure Products Manage Commissions Invoices, Payments Sales Process Management Marketing/Campaigns Integration with SAP Technologies: PHP, MS SQL Server, SugarCRM

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